
The following items have been either resolved (D#) or added to (F#) Nexsure. Click the Video icon to view the instructional video that details the changes to Nexsure.

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Item # Nexsure Version Category Subtopic Description of Change Video
E185 & 3188 1.83 ACORD 125 ACORD 125 - New Additional named insured overflow (more room for named insureds). Prior carrier overflow for other LOB's.
F4097 1.94 Forms ACORD New ACORD 140. (Part 1)
F4097 1.94 Office Inetgration Forms New ACORD 140 Office Integration changes. (Part 2)
F3573 1.94 Forms Data Flow Allow data to be mapped anywhere on various Change Request forms.
F3580 1.94 Forms Data Flow Enhanced binder data flow capability to be added to forms modules.